
Aa Cc Ćć Dd Ee Ēē Ëë Ff Hh Ii Jj Kk Mm Nn Ngng Ńń Oo Ōō Öö Pp Ss Tt Tctc Uu

Now, if you're unable to read IPA charts, next is a pronounciation guide:

Aa: "a" as in "ahh"

Cc: like the "sh" sound, but with your tounge up on that hard top of your mouth

Ćć: "h" as in "hue"

Dd: "th" as in "thing"

Ee: "ay" as in "bay"

Ēē: elongated version of the previous

Ëë: "uh" or "a" as in "sigma"

Ff: a soft blow, like you're blowing out a candle

Hh: like the "h" sound, but closer to the back of your tounge

Ii: "ee" as in "bee"

Jj: "j" as in "judge"

Kk: "k" as in "king"

Mm: "m" as in "mud"

Nn: "pn" as in "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"

Ngng: "ng" as in "ring"

Ńń: "ñ" as in "jalapeño"

Oo: "o" as in "no"

Ōō: elongated version of the previous

Öö: "e" as in "bed," with more rounded lips

Pp: "p" as in "pie"

Ss: "s" as in "sing"

Tt: "t" as in "typhoid"

Tctc: like the "ch" sound, but with your tounge up on that hard top of your mouth

Uu: "oo" as in "boo!"

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